Friday, October 30, 2009

This week's stupidity at my job...

I was walking into the showroom at work and I see a bunch of slightly weird looking kid mannequins in our reception. One mannequin is making like an Egyptian move..... The other kid mannequin is doing some wannabe Karate Kid move.... In my head I'm like... "What on earth?"... Keeping quiet about it and go back to my desk. M passes by mine and F's desk with the comment: "Did anyone see the new kids that we got placed out there?"
I don't even turn around and just lift up my arms in an Egyptian move. I turn around and I see my co-worker sitting next to me making a Karate Kid move: "The one in the window!"
The three of us start to cry of laughter. F goes: "Where did they get those from? And what's up with the way they stand?"
That was the best moment of the week! We were crying of laughter for 15 minutes. So funny! Seriously, so weird looking kids mannequins. The owner thought it was great though. Heard one of them say: "This looks great! Isn't it perfect?"
This company could seriously make their own reality show, for real.

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